Friday, August 31, 2007

penyediaan rancangan pengajaran

kursus penyediaan rancangan tahunan di Coral Bay Pangkor

Tarikh : 28/08/2007-30/08/2007
Tempat : Coral Bay Resort Pangkor
Anjuran : Jabatan Pelajaran Perak
Peserta : Guru-guru mata pelajaran dari seluruh perak, yang terdiri dari kalangan guru sekolah SKM
Tajuk Bengkel: Pemantapan pedagogi dan kelas bercantum 2007

Kelas Bercantum

A multiage classroom is a learning community of children who represent two or more age groups or grade level. It is heterogeneous group of children representing the intellectual,cultural and economic profile of the school whwere the classroom exists. The goal is to maximize the potential benefits of interaction and cooperation among children who vary in experience, maturity and ability.(MOEC)